AngularJS: template prints nothing on localhost server

I have basic task to print something from template tag. It works if I open html file from filesystem, but it prints nothing if I run this from django web-server.

For example:

<li ng-repeat="k in [0, 1, 2]">{{k}}</li>

Output if I open file from filesystem:


And if I get file from Django web-server:


This problem is driving me crazy :(

If Django is messing with the {{}} tags, you can change the template tags like this:

    var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
    app.config(function($interpolateProvider) { 

Be careful while using (( )). You can get problems with function calls inside (( )).

Also note the use of third-party directives (components) that use {{ }}. Your configuration will break them.
