How do I make a AJAX nested list, in AngularJS?

I've made a list who's content is loaded via AJAX, and it works as intended.

I'd now like to make each list entry load (via AJAX) and display a sublist, when clicked upon.

Is this possible in AngularJS? (I'm new to AngularJs and am more than a little confused over $scope.)

<div ng-controller="StockGroupCtrl">
    <li ng-repeat="group in groups">
      <!-- something like
        <ul ng-controller="WhatShouldItBe?">
          <li ng-repeat="item in items">

I've made the outer code work with:

function StockGroupCtrl($scope, $http) {
    $scope.groups = [];
    $scope.handleGroupsLoaded = function(data, status) {
        $scope.groups = data;
    $scope.fetch = function() {

but I can't really see where to start with the inner lists.

How about this? You don't need another controller.

      <li ng-repeat="item in group.items">