Integrating Angular.js with Node.js (Express+Tower.js)

I am new to node. I very much like approach of AngularJS. I like what I see in towerjs.

Has Anyone wired the two together? I have in mind tower primarily for backend api/rest and angular for clientside.

I'm especially not familiar with tower.js, but from the docs it looks like it might not be practical to use the two together. There is quite a bit of overlap in the things AngularJS provides and the things tower.js provides (especially models, views, and controllers on the client).

I've written on how to use AngularJS with a RESTful API provided by Express on my blog. Maybe that can help you get started.

Good luck! :)

Tower is for the server-side while angular is on the client right?

So what you could try what is mentioned here. Just replace railway with tower.

You could check this skelleton that uses angularjs.

Hope this comes in handy mate!

As things are evolving very fast, there are some major update.

For example, a framework named Total.js has made much work to make Angular.js work in hand with Node.js.

Please have a look at their web site and at the 6 (!) example they provide on how to use it :

Pretty amazing! Hope that helps!

Note: I have no affiliation with Total.js at all.