Pagination on a list using ng-repeat

I'm trying to add pages to my list. I followed the AngularJS tutorial, the one about smartphones and I'm trying to display only certain number of objects. Here is my html file:

  <div class='container-fluid'>
    <div class='row-fluid'>
        <div class='span2'>
            Search: <input ng-model='searchBar'>
            Sort by: 
            <select ng-model='orderProp'>
                <option value='name'>Alphabetical</option>
                <option value='age'>Newest</option>
            You selected the phones to be ordered by: {{orderProp}}

        <div class='span10'>
          <select ng-model='limit'>
            <option value='5'>Show 5 per page</option>
            <option value='10'>Show 10 per page</option>
            <option value='15'>Show 15 per page</option>
            <option value='20'>Show 20 per page</option>
          <ul class='phones'>
            <li class='thumbnail' ng-repeat='phone in phones | filter:searchBar | orderBy:orderProp | limitTo:limit'>
                <a href='#/phones/{{}}' class='thumb'><img ng-src='{{phone.imageUrl}}'></a>
                <a href='#/phones/{{}}'>{{}}</a>

I've added a select tag with some values in order to limit the number of items that will be displayed. What I want now is to add the pagination to display the next 5, 10, etc.

I have a controller that works with this:

function PhoneListCtrl($scope, Phone){
    $scope.phones = Phone.query();
    $scope.orderProp = 'age';
    $scope.limit = 5;

And also I have a module in order to retrieve the data from the json files.

angular.module('phonecatServices', ['ngResource']).
    factory('Phone', function($resource){
        return $resource('phones/:phoneId.json', {}, {
            query: {method: 'GET', params:{phoneId:'phones'}, isArray:true}

Hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.

If you have not too much data, you can definitely do pagination by just storing all the data in the browser and filtering what's visible at a certain time.

Here's a simple pagination example:

That example was on the list of fiddles on the angular.js github wiki, which should be helpful:

EDIT: to (won't show "1/4.5" if there is 45 results)

I just made a JSFiddle that show pagination + search + order by on each column using Build with Twitter Bootstrap code:

I've built a module that makes in-memory pagination incredibly simple.

It allows you to paginate by simply replacing ng-repeat with dir-paginate, specifying the items per page as a piped filter, and then dropping the controls wherever you like in the form of a single directive, <dir-pagination-controls>

To take the original example asked by Tomarto, it would look like this:

<ul class='phones'>
    <li class='thumbnail' dir-paginate='phone in phones | filter:searchBar | orderBy:orderProp | limitTo:limit | itemsPerPage: limit'>
            <a href='#/phones/{{}}' class='thumb'><img ng-src='{{phone.imageUrl}}'></a>
            <a href='#/phones/{{}}'>{{}}</a>


There is no need for any special pagination code in your controller. It's all handled internally by the module.


Source: dirPagination of GitHub

Check out this directive:

It automates sorting and pagination a lot and gives you enough freedom to customize your table/list however you want.