How to use path variable instead of request parameter with AngularJS $resource

There is probably an easy way to do this but I can't seem to find out how.

When I click on my delete button shown below angular hits the following url:


How can I get it to hit pass a path variable instead of a request parameter like this:


Heres my html:

    <tr ng-repeat="course in page.content">
        <td><button ng-click="remove(">Delete</button></td>

And here is my controller:

function ManagedCourseController($scope, $resource) 
    var ManagedCourse = $resource("rest/managedCourse/:courseId", {courseId:'@id'});

    $ = ManagedCourse.getPage({"": "0", "page.size": "3", "page.sort": "title", "page.sort.dir": "asc"});

    $scope.create = function (managedCourse) {

    $scope.remove = function (courseId) {

function ManagedCourseController($scope, $resource) 
    var ManagedCourse = $resource("rest/managedCourse/:courseId/:id", 

should do it