specifically, I'm AJAXing in some date ranges into a pair of SELECTs (maintained with an Angular ng-repeat), which I'm then turning into a slider using jQuery UI's selectToUISlider. I assume selectToUISlider's behavior is undefined if the SELECTs it's operating on are modified while it's running. is there a way to ensure that it is called only after Angular JS has finished updating? I haven't encountered any problems yet, but I'm not sure I'm just lucky, or haven't had my computer lag at just the right moment, etc...
I can think of two solutions, but neither seems very good:
I don't know how selectToUISlider works, but you want a directive. In that directive, $watch for changes to the list and update the slider however it's supposed to be done.
Example HTML:
<select jq-slider="myList" ng-options="item.val for item in myList"></select>
Example JS:
myApp.directive('jqSlider', function() {
return {
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
scope.$watch(attrs.jqSlider, function whenMyListChanges(newValue, oldValue) {