$http(). Get a SyntaxError when passing an extra GET parameter with "?"

I followed the documentation example to implement a fetch method. It works well as far as I add ?format=json to $scope.url.

    $scope.method = 'GET';
    $scope.url = "/activite/273/usagers?format=json";

    $scope.fetch = function($event) {

        $scope.code = null;
        $scope.response = null;

        $http({method: $scope.method, url: $scope.url, cache: $templateCache}).
          success(function(data, status) {
            $scope.status = status;
            $scope.users = data;
            $scope.search.status = $scope.userStatus;
          error(function(data, status) {
            $scope.response = data || "Request failed";
            $scope.status = status;
            $scope.userStatus = '';

Any idea ?

According to the API documentation, it looks like you should be passing parameters in a separate params object any way. So:

$scope.method = 'GET';
$scope.url = "/activite/273/usagers";
$scope.params = {
    format: 'json

It was in fact a problem due to json format itself, all the " was replaced by &quote;. I fixed that and it solved the problem.