HTML source code
<div ng-app="">
<div ng-controller="test">
<div ng-address-bar browser="html5"></div>
$location.url() = {{$location.url()}}<br>
$ = {{$'keyword')}}<br>
$location.hash() = {{$location.hash()}}<br>
keyword valus is={{loc}} and ={{loc1}}
Angular.js source code
function test($scope, $location) {
$scope.$location = $location;
$scope.ur = $scope.$location.url('');
$scope.loc1 = $scope.$ ;
if($location.url().indexOf('keyword') > -1){
$scope.loc= $location.url().split('=')[1];
$scope.loc = $scope.loc.split("#")[0]
Here the variables loc
and loc1
both return test as the result for the above URL. Is this the correct way?
I know this is an old question, but it took me some time to sort this out given the sparse Angular documentation. The RouteProvider and routeParams is the way to go. The route wires up the URL to your Controller/View and the routeParams can be passed into the controller.
Check out the Angular seed project. Within the app.js you'll find an example for the route provider. To use params simply append them like this:
$routeProvider.when('/view1/:param1/:param2', {
templateUrl: 'partials/partial1.html',
controller: 'MyCtrl1'
Then in your controller inject $routeParams:
.controller('MyCtrl1', ['$scope','$routeParams', function($scope, $routeParams) {
var param1 = $routeParams.param1;
var param1 = $routeParams.param2;
While routing is indeed a good solution for application-level URL parsing, you may want to use the more low-level $location service, as injected in your own service or controller:
var paramValue = $;
This simple syntax will work for However, only if you configured the $locationProvider in the html5 mode before:
Otherwise have a look at the!/path?myParam=someValue "Hashbang" syntax which is a bit more complicated, but have the benefit of working on old browsers (non-html5 compatible) as well.
If you're using ngRoute, you can inject $routeParams
into your controller$routeParams
If you're using angular-ui-router, you can inject $stateParams