Using Isotope with AngularJS (ng-repeat)

I'm trying to use angular to load div's to supply to isotope for layouting. For some reason, I can't use ng-repeat to create the div's. When I do something like, it works fine:


<div class="mygrid" iso-grid>
    <div class="item">myitem</div>


module.directive('isoGrid', function () {
    return function (scope, element, attrs) {
            itemSelector: '.item'

module.controller('aggViewport', ['$scope', '$location', function ($scope, $location) {
    $ = [{
        "ID": "myid",
        "class": "cardListTile",
        "badge": "1"
    } {
        "ID": "myid2",
        "class": "cardListTile",
        "badge": "2"

While the above works ok, when I try to use ng-repeat from angular, the div's seem to become invisible (they are in the dom, but I can't see them). I've tried calling isotope('reloadItems') and isotope('reLayout'), but it doesn't seem to help.


<div class="mygrid" iso-grid ng-repeat="card in cards">
    <div class="item">myitem</div>

How can I use ng-repeat ?

Try $watching the list variable (cards), and whenever it changes re-apply the isotope. I think your problem is isotope is running before the ng-repeat is filled in.

Quick example:

scope.$watch(attrs.ngModel, function() {

I implemented something similar using a masonry directive + ng-animate for enter/leave animations, here's a CSS animation only demo (with chrome vendor prefixed CSS):

The directive:

angular.module('app', [])
.directive("masonry", function () {
    var NGREPEAT_SOURCE_RE = '<!-- ngRepeat: ((.*) in ((.*?)( track by (.*))?)) -->';
    return {
        compile: function(element, attrs) {
            // auto add animation to brick element
            var animation = attrs.ngAnimate || "'masonry'";
            var $brick = element.children();
            $brick.attr("ng-animate", animation);

            // generate item selector (exclude leaving items)
            var type = $brick.prop('tagName');
            var itemSelector = type+":not([class$='-leave-active'])";

            return function (scope, element, attrs) {
                var options = angular.extend({
                    itemSelector: itemSelector
                }, attrs.masonry);

                // try to infer model from ngRepeat
                if (!options.model) { 
                    var ngRepeatMatch = element.html().match(NGREPEAT_SOURCE_RE);
                    if (ngRepeatMatch) {
                        options.model = ngRepeatMatch[4];

                // initial animation

                // Wait inside directives to render
                setTimeout(function () {

                    element.on("$destroy", function () {

                    if (options.model) {
                        scope.$apply(function() {
                            scope.$watchCollection(options.model, function (_new, _old) {
                                if(_new == _old) return;

                                // Wait inside directives to render
                                setTimeout(function () {