This is the Angular JS function on my page:
function DateCtrl($scope) {
$scope.returndate = function () {
The markup is as follows:
<html ng-app>
<div id = "date" class = "stats" ng-controller = "DateCtrl">
<span>Date:</span><div id = "noedate">{{returndate()}}</div>
You would expect the date returned in #nowdate
to change every second thanks to the data-binding, but it does not. Does anyone know what is wrong here?
I would provide a fiddle but jsfiddle does not support angular yet...
The data won't get updated automatically since AngularJS doesn't constantly pool for changes but only refreshes templates in response to certain events. You can check this post: Databinding in angularjs for more info on inner workings of angular.
If you would like to refresh certain value after a given period of time use the $timeout service ($timeout).
Actually it is very easy to do a clock in AngularJS using combination of $watch and $timeout:
$scope.time = new Date();
$scope.$watch('time', function(){
$scope.time = new Date();
Here is the complete jsFillde:
var updateTime = function () {
$scope.currentTime = new Date();
$timeout(updateTime, 1000);