I'm making an in game UI using awesomium, at some points the game loads up and executes a chunk of javascript which is meant to create arbitrary new UI elements. e.g.
jQuery(document.body).append('<span class="game-status-alert">You Lose!</span>');
That works nicely, the problem comes when I want to create some slightly more advanced UI elements, specifically using angular. For example something like:
function ChatBoxControl($scope) { /* Stuff */ }
'<div ng-controller="ChatBoxControl"><div ng-repeat="line in chat"><span>{{line}}</span></div></div>'
Not surprisingly, this does not create a new angular view. It simply adds that html to the document and never binds to the ChatBoxControl.
How can I achieve what I'm trying to do here?
You should $compile dynamically added angular content. Something like:
'<div ng-controller="ChatBoxControl"><div ng-repeat="line in chat"><span>{{line}}</span></div></div>'
scope for any element you can get using something like:
var scope = angular.element('#dynamicContent').scope();
Also you should get $compile that can be injected in other controller.
See also: AngularJS + JQuery : How to get dynamic content working in angularjs
You might want to use ng-include combined with ng-repeat. Here is an simple example: http://plunker.no.de/edit/IxB3wO?live=preview
<div ng-repeat="dom in domList" ng-include="dom"></div>
Parent $scope will keep the list of partials loaded into the view. And ng-repeat + ng-include will iterate over and display partials according to the list.
When it is the right timing, you can append the partial into the dom list. e.g.
(BTW, putting DOM manipulation into controller is not the angular way.)