I'm here for a little question about angularJS... Currently at work we are working on an app that need an "overlay" admin style panel.
Lets take this exemple :
In the first part, the url is "myapp.com/#/works". To display this I have currently configured my $routeProvider.when('/works', { templateUrl: ... etc... And I have in my template the ng-view directive that handle the load and the display of the template. Ok for this part...
My question is : How to display a content in another part of the page like in the second part of the picture where the url is "myapp.com/#/admin" ? In this case, the admin template has to be displayed in an overlay style element...
Hope somebody has an answer for me, that will be extremely helpfull...
Thanks in advance !
See you ! Best regard Olivier
Take a look at http://angular-ui.github.com/#directives-modal. It basically shows/hides the modal depending on an ng-model variable.
Edit: Here's an example doing what you want: Open a modal on the same page depending on the routeParams: http://plnkr.co/edit/DOPmBT?p=preview