When the user clicks a link, I want to execute some code in a function inside the controller. But I want to prevent that the URL changes.
I tried the following possibilities
Removed the href-attribute. Didn't work, still changes the url to '/'
Tried ng-click='deleteUser(user.id, $event)'
and $event.preventDefault()
in my deleteUser()-function. Didn't work.
What did work is a hack I've found on GitHub about an unintended reload.
This is how I do it now:
<a ng-click="deleteUser(user.id)" href="javascript:">Delete user</a>
What is the'clean' method to prevent a link from changing the URL?
<a ng-click="deleteUser(user.id)" href="">Delete user</a>
What exactly didn't work when you removed the href attribute? That's exactly what you should do. See this fiddle for an example: http://jsfiddle.net/terebentina/SXcQN/
I have always been doing deleteUser($event,user.id) and it seemed to work. A possible problem would be the ordering of the variables to your click handler. The first argument should probably be the $event object.
The real problem is in the a directive
That's right, every <a></a>
element is actually an AngularJS directive.
It seems to fix some issues with IE if you look the comments in the code.
But everything for me is working great when I just removed the directive from the AngularJS core code.
I was having the same problem as you did and tried all of the other solutions. The difference is that I had the problem only in IE.
If you don't want to play with building the AngularJS script from source, just search for htmlAnchorDirective in the angular.js file and remove/comment it out.
I believe there is a bigger problem here which should be addressed in the AngularJS core, but I haven't found it yet.
UPDATE: This solution is most probably outdated now! You should try using the latest AngularJS version.
This is admittedly a hack, but I did:
<span class="link" ng-click="deleteUser(user.id)">Delete user</span>
and in my css had
span.link {
/* style like a link */
I use my custom directive to accomplish this. Its mechanism is to operate ng-click directive itself.
angular.module('delete', [])
.directive('buttonDelete', ['$parse', function ($parse) {
var confirmFunc = function (scope, element, attr, event, ngClick) {
if (! confirm("Are you sure?")) {
else {
// Copy from ngEventDirectives initialization.
var fn = $parse(ngClick);
scope.$apply(function() {
fn(scope, {$event:event});
return {
restrict: 'C',
compile: function (element, attr) {
var ngClick = attr.ngClick;
attr.ngClick = '';
return {
pre: function (scope, element, attr) {
element.click(function (e) {
confirmFunc(scope, element, attr, e, ngClick);
The following worked great for me:
<a ng-href="javascript: return false;" ng-click="alertSearchCtrl.deleteAlert()">Remove</a>