Using Angular js with taglibs

I'm using the Stripes MVC text tag, but get an exception if I add Angular's ng-model to it because the attribute obviously isn't supported in the taglib. Does anybody know best practices for handling this situation?

<s:text name="name" ng-model="yourName" />

I'm not very familiar with the Stripe's tag libraries but from what I can see looking at their documentation ( Stripes MVC does include a version of their tlds where you are allowed to use so called "dynamic attributes":

However with the advent of AJAX and JavaScript libraries it is sometimes desirable to use non-HTML attributes in HTML tags. For the reasons outlined above Stripes includes two slightly different TLDs that can be used. The standard one does not allow dynamic attributes in HTML tags and should be used in most cases. The second one allows dynamic attributes. It is possible (even recommended) to use both TLDs in one page. Doing so will allow the standard library to be used where possible, and the dynamic attribute one only where absolutely necessary. E.g.:

<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="d" uri="" %>

<s:form action="/my/NewsSearch.action">
    <s:text name="keywords"/>
    <d:text name="publicationDate" dojoType="calendar"/>
    <s:submit name="search"/>

So I guess you should simply import the 'dynamic' version of the tlds and use it like this:

<%@ taglib prefix="d" uri="" %>

<d:text name="name" ng-model="yourName" />