Angularjs - How to apply different class in <tr> conditionaly to repeat directive

I need to apply a diferent class to a <tr> according to the $index of the repeat directive. For example

   <tr ng-repeat="model in list" class="xxx">

I need to apply a diferent style to <tr> depending on whether the index is even and odd.

How could I solve this?

Normally you would use ngClassOdd ( and ngClassEven ( directives like this:

<tr ng-repeat="item in items" ng-class-odd="'class1'" ng-class-even="'class2'">

Here is the jsFiddle:

Unfortunately there is an issue where the mentioned directives are not working correctly when rows are removed:

As a work around you can use the ngClass directive ( with the $index variable exposed by a repeater:

<tr ng-repeat="item in items" ng-class="{class1 : $index%2==0, class2 : !($index%2==0)}">

Here is the jsFiddle:

It is not super-clean, but could be improved (for example, by exposing a function in a root scope, something like:


till the mentioned bug is fixed

If this is just for styling you can just use CSS

tr:nth-child(odd) { ... }
tr:nth-child(even) {...}

see for an example