How to validate when a checkbox is checked in AngularJS e2e tests?

I've been trying out the AngularJS e2e tests and am getting stuck determining whether or not a checkbox is checked.

I used the end to end test for the checkbox input as a sample (see the End to end test tab in the Example).

Html snippet:

Value1: <input type="checkbox" ng-model="value1"> <br/>

Controller snippet:

function Ctrl($scope) {
  $scope.value1 = true;

Here is what I tried:

1) expect(binding('value1')).toEqual('true');

This works in the sample end to end test as long as value1 is displayed on screen with {{value1}}. If you test this locally and remove `{{value1}} the binding test fails. In most of my real-world examples I am not displaying the checkbox value on the screen anywhere.

2) expect(input('value1').val()).toEqual('true');

The value will always default to on and is not related to whether or not the checkbox is in a checked state (taken from this post).

Note: It looks like the Angular E2E testing will be replaced with Protractor in the future (see the docs)

For guys using Protractor, there is webdriver isSelected() for exactly this.

Instead of asking for checked attribute you can do:


I upvoted this question as I had the same issue. I used following workaround in my test, but I'm hoping to see the better way.

expect( element('input[ng-model="value1"]').attr('checked') ).toBeTruthy();

I'm hoping there is a better way but I got around this by validating the count of the checked input elements matching that model binding:


At least one downside to this when checking if something is not checked is if the element doesn't exist or if there was a typo the value would still be 0 like in this example:
