Javascript scope error when accessing from callback

Below is part of code from angularjs service. It may not a specific question to angular though.

The $http.get('/api/test/1').then ( ... returns promise and I like to process the data returned by the call back. I am getting error when accessing filter method.


TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'filter'

But, I could access the data variable in the same scope (previous line) though.

var testApp = angular.module('', []);
testApp.factory('Test', function ($http, $rootScope) {
    var Test = {};
    var data = [];

    Test.filter = function (d) {
        ret = data.filter(function (el) {
            return el.Pid == d.Id;
        return ret;
    }; = function () {
        return data[1];

    Test.start = function () {
        Test.asyncData = $http.get('/api/test/1')
            .then(function (response) {
                data = response;
                return Test.filter(data.Root);
            }, function (response) {
                Test.error = 'Can\'t get data';
                data = 'Error: ' +;
                return data;

    return Test;

I think your error is coming from:

ret = data.filter(...

The data variable, which you set to the response, doesn't have a filter method.

It is probably either not of the type you think it is, or you meant to call the filter method on something else.