Can't access to injected AngularJS services within a function in a controller

Cannot access to $scope and Food inside destroy function.

foodProject.controller('FoodsCtrl', function($scope, Food) {

    $scope.foods = Food.index();
    $scope.destroy = function(food){
        console.log(Food, $scope);

The local scope variables are only

food: Resource

this: $get.e.$new.a

I can't find $scope and Food

Include this line in your destroy function (it is missing from your fiddle):

console.log(Food, $scope);

Then in your debugger, check the Closure section of Scope Variables (I was using Chrome), when stopped on your break point. Food and $scope are in there (as one would expect!).

this in the context of the destroy function is a new scope within the ng-repeat so is not the same as $scope, although both are scopes.

Within your function, this is the scope, e.g. this.foods.

I believe if you want Food to be accessible add it to the scope, i.e., $scope.Food = Food;.

I'm still a noob and am not sure if adding Food to $scope is the right thing to do.