Ng-model does not update controller value

Probably silly question, but I have my html form with simple input and button:

<input type="text" ng-model="searchText" />
<button ng-click="check()">Check!</button>
{{ searchText }}

Then in the controller (template and controller are called from routeProvider):

$scope.check = function () {

Why do I see the view updated correctly but undefined in the console when clicking the button?


Update: Seems like I have actually solved that issue (before had to come up with some workarounds) with: Only had to change my property name from searchText to search.text, then define empty $ = {}; object in the controller and voila... Have no idea why it's working though ;]

"If you use ng-model, you have to have a dot in there."
Make your model point to an and you'll be good to go.


$scope.formData = {};
$scope.check = function () {
  console.log($scope.formData.searchText.$modelValue); //works


<input ng-model="formData.searchText"/>
<button ng-click="check()">Check!</button>

This happens when child scopes are in play - like child routes or ng-repeats. The child-scope creates it's own value and a name conflict is born as illustrated here:

See this video clip for more:

Try this in your markup

<input type="text" ng-model="searchText" />
<button ng-click="check(searchText)">Check!</button>
{{ searchText }}

and this in your controller

$scope.check = function (searchText) {

In Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS book p.19, it is written that

Avoid direct bindings to scope's properties. Two-way data binding to object's properties (exposed on a scope) is a preferred approach. As a rule of thumb, you should have a dot in an expression provided to the ng-model directive (for example, ng-model="").

Scopes are just JavaScript objects, and they mimic dom hierarchy. According to JavaScript Prototype Inheritance, scopes properties are separated through scopes. To avoid this, dot notation should use to bind ng-models.

I came across the same issue when dealing with a non-trivial view (there are nested scopes). And finally discovered this is a known tricky thing when developing AngularJS application due to the nature of prototype-based inheritance of java-script. AngularJS nested scopes are created through this mechanism. And value created from ng-model is placed in children scope, not saying parent scope (maybe the one injected into controller) won't see the value, the value will also shadow any property with same name defined in parent scope if not use dot to enforce a prototype reference access. For more details, checkout the online video specific to illustrate this issue, and comments following up it.

Using this instead of $scope works.

function AppCtrl($scope){
  $scope.searchText = "";
  $scope.check = function () {
    console.log("You typed '" + this.searchText + "'"); // used 'this' instead of $scope
<script src=""></script>

<div ng-app>
  <div ng-controller="AppCtrl">
    <input ng-model="searchText"/>
    <button ng-click="check()">Write console log</button>

Have a look at this fiddle

I have ( I assume! ) done exactly what you were doing and it seems to be working. Can you check what is not working here for you?

I just had this very issue using a root_controller bound to the body-element. Then I was using ng-view with the angular router. The problem is that angular ALWAYS creates a new scope when it inserts the html into ng-view element. As a consequence, my "check" function was defined on the parent scope of the scope that was modified by my ng-model element.

To solve the problem, just use a dedicated controller within route-loaded html content.