$resource is awesome providing very convenient way to handle web services. What if GET and POST have to be performed on different URLs?
For example, GET URL is http://localhost/pleaseGethere/:id
and POST URL is http://localhost/pleasePosthere
without any parameter
Use 'url' property of [paramDefaults] to override the default url.
$resource(url, [paramDefaults], [actions], options);
for example:
Usage of Angular $resource: http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngResource/service/$resource
You should be able to expose the URL as a parameter. I was able to do this:
$provide.factory('twitterResource', function($resource){
return $resource('https://:url/:action',
{url: 'search.twitter.com', action:'search.json', q:'#ThingsYouSayToYourBestFriend', callback:'JSON_CALLBACK'},
Then you can overwrite the URL on your GET call. The one caveat I found during my REALLY brief testing was that if I included "http://" in the URL string, it didn't work. I didn't get an error message. It just did nothing.
If you add the hash with param names into the $resource call:
$resource('localhost/pleaseGethere/:id', {id: '@id'});
Then the :id will be mapped to id param when invoking the function (this will call GET localhost/pleaseGethere/123):
Resource.get({id: 123});
For POST, you simply don't assign the id param:
Resource.post({}, {name: "Joe"});
The proper URL will be called, which is in this case POST localhost/pleaseGethere (the trailing slash is stripped by ngResource).
See http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngResource.$resource -> Examples -> Credit card resource for more details.