I'm fairly new using AngularJS but I've been using for a pet project and I've run in to an issue. What I basically want to do is take the text input from this input field:
<form id="ci_search_form">
<p class="input-append"><label>Search:</label> <input type="text" id="query" ng:model="query" autofocus> <button ng:click="clearSearch()" class="btn"><i class="icon-remove"></i></button></p>
and update this input field's value with that value:
<div><input type="text" id="ciquery" ng:model="ciquery.Name"></div>
The second input filters some data and I can type in that directly and it works. However this page will have different sets of data, each with their own search input that I want updated by the master input at the top. I can't set value="" or use jQuery to set the value either, it just appears blank unless I explicitly type in that second input field. Can anyone assist with a solution?
I thought I should include my app and controller code:
var App = angular.module('TicketAssistApp', []);
App.controller('SearchController', function($scope, $http, $filter){
$scope.query = '';
$scope.ci_list = data;
$scope.clearSearch = function(){
$scope.query = '';
Made some progress. Created a function that can be called an update ciquery in $scope:
var App = angular.module('TicketAssistApp', []);
App.controller('SearchController', function($scope, $http, $filter){
$scope.query = '';
$scope.ciquery = '';
$scope.ci_list = data;
$scope.queryUpdate = function(){
$scope.ciquery = $scope.query;
$scope.clearSearch = function(){
$scope.query = '';
This works great. However, this creates another issue. Before in ciquery I was using ciquery.Name to filter only on the Name attribute. With this new solution I had to change it to this:
<div><input type="hidden" id="ciquery" ng:model="ciquery"></div>
This searches all fields in my data which returns unwanted results. Suggestions?
$scope and ng-model are differents. You should give ng-model's property to ng-click's function. Looks at this -> Ng-model does not update controller value
To update second input's field (here an example -> http://jsfiddle.net/yEvSL/1/)
<div><input type="text" id="ciquery" ng:model="query"></div>