Directive with async data from $resource no initializing properly

I'm trying to create a simple carousel. Source images are got through $resource. I need a kind of watch expression that notify that data has changed. I need to initialize the gallery with the first photo contained in the array located in ng-model attribute once I have this data.

The code:

app.directive('ngCarousel', function() {

    var template =  //...;

    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        require: 'ngModel',
        scope: {data:'='},
        compile:function(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {


            return function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {


                attrs.$watch(scope.$modelValue, function() {
                    //initialize the template

I need a kind of watch expression that notify that data has changed.

Add a callback to your $resource query. I.e., instead of (I'm guessing here, since you didn't provide any code showing how you are using $resource)

$scope.image1 = MyResourceWrapper.query()

do this instead:

MyResourceWrapper.query( function(data) {
   // Now you know the data has arrived.  Initialize your gallery, etc.

See also