What is the best way to pass message in the below scenario.
In the success scenario of $scope.p.$save
, the result contains a message (res.message
), which I like to display in the next view ($location.path("/test/"+res.reply.Id)
). Without Angular, I may pass it in the url or save it in session cookies. But, I guess there might be a better way in Angualr as there is no browser redirect and the state should be available. What is the best way to achieve this?
Setting it in rootScope shows it while I use browser back button, and the scope of the message should only for the first navigation to the new view.
function NewCtrl(Phone, $location, $rootScope, $scope) {
$scope.p = new Phone();
$scope.save = function () {
function (res) {
$rootScope.message = res.message **//<-- this will cause message still set when using browser back button, etc**
$location.path("/test/"+res.reply.Id); **//<-- Req: needs to pass the message to next view**
}, function (res) {
PhoneApp.factory('Phone', function ($resource) {
return $resource('/api/test/:_id')
You could use a service which displays the flash on $routeChangeSuccess.
Each time you set a flash message, add it to a queue, and when the route changes take the first item off the queue and set it to the current message.
Here's a demo:
I was looking to implement similar functionality, but actually wanted more of a growl style message.
I've updated the excellent plinkr code that Andy provided above to include a 'pop' method that leverages the toastr growl-style notification library.
My update also lets you to specify the notification type (info, warning, success, error) and title.
The 'pop' method skips adding the message to the queue, and instead pops it up on the screen immediately. The set/get functionality from Andy's previous plinkr remains mostly unchanged.
You can find my update here: http://plnkr.co/edit/MY2SXG?p=preview
I don't believe there's a way to do this default to AngularJS. Your best bet would just be passing the message (encoded) through a query string.