Angularjs Nested states: 3 level

I am using Agnularjs and Ionic Framework. I am trying to achieve a nested states, which looks like below,

  • Eventmenu(root)
  •   Home (2 level)
  •     Home 1 (3 level)
  •     Home 2
  •   checkin
  •   attendee

My routes file looks like,

angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic'])

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

    .state('eventmenu', {
      url: "/event",
      abstract: true,
      templateUrl: "event-menu.html"
    .state('eventmenu.home', {
      url: "/home",
      views: {
        'menuContent' :{
          templateUrl: "home.html"
      .state('eventmenu.home.home1', {
      url: "/home1",
      views: {
        'menuContent' :{
          templateUrl: "home1.html"
        .state('eventmenu.home.home2', {
      url: "/home2",
      views: {
        'menuContent' :{
          templateUrl: "home2.html"
    .state('eventmenu.checkin', {
      url: "/check-in",
      views: {
        'menuContent' :{
          templateUrl: "check-in.html",
          controller: "CheckinCtrl"
    .state('eventmenu.attendees', {
      url: "/attendees",
      views: {
        'menuContent' :{
          templateUrl: "attendees.html",
          controller: "AttendeesCtrl"


For full example, please see codepen:


are working, but


are not working.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I solved your problem there :

Basically, Ionic is using Angular-UI-Router which has a huge API. In your case, you need to check this link to understand :

To be short, home1 and home2 states are children of home state, so they can't have access of menuContent view, because it's related to eventmenu state.

So you need to write :

.state('eventmenu.home.home2', {
  url: "/home2",
  views: {
    'menuContent@eventmenu' :{
      templateUrl: "home2.html"

Instead of :

.state('eventmenu.home.home2', {
  url: "/home2",
  views: {
    'menuContent' :{
      templateUrl: "home2.html"

And home1 wasn't working even after this modification because its url was :

url: "/home/home1",

Instead of :

url: "/home1",

By writing eventmenu.home.home1, you make home1 a child of home, so its url needs to be relative, not absolute.

Hope you understand it and have fun with Ionic ;)