I am using Ionic framework and I have 2 views, one for all my stores and another for the store details. Both are reading data from a service. My problem is that when I click in one store and go back, all the stores are appending again.
Here is a plnkr with my code
In the answers I saw that one solution is add the array inside my get function, this stops my duplicate data, but what if I want to read an object of my array. Now I have the array inside the get function like this: http://plnkr.co/edit/Ga8RVpwOvTnl4qkRVaWT?p=preview
your stores array is only instantiated once, but you were pushing into it every time you called the getStores method.
check out this plunkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/J6wnDEYDLPT5tsG1VYey?p=preview
Services/factories in angular are singletons, so when you have the code below, you are initializing the stores array once, per app, but every time you call get
you are adding to it.
var stores = [];
return {
get: function () {
To resolve this, you should define the stores array inside the get function, like so:
return {
get: function(){
var stores = [];
In order to preserve your array, declare the array outside of the get function, but clear the array before pushing additional items to the array.
var stores =[]; //declared outside get function so it will persist throughout the service
return {
get: function(){
stores = []; //reset upon get so data won't be duplicated