how to pick the ios emulator from cordova / ionic command line

in using the ionic emulate command line (i'm assuming it's the same as cordova phoengap) how do I pick the device - either ipad or iphone tall screen. It always defaults to the 3.5" screen.

cordova emulate ios --target="TARGET"


ionic emulate ios --target="TARGET"

Where TARGET is one of: iPad, iPhone, iPad (Retina), iPhone (Retina 3.5-inch), iPhone (Retina 4-inch)

E.g: ionic emulate ios --target="iPhone-5"

I use the syntax mentioned in RipTheJacker's answer to select the device to emulate, ie:

ionic emulate ios --target="iPhone-4s"

However, to find out what the available emulations are I run this:

ios-sim showdevicetypes

This command will return a list, something like this:

iPhone-4s, 8.4
iPhone-5, 8.4
iPhone-5s, 8.4
iPhone-6-Plus, 8.4
iPhone-6, 8.4
iPad-2, 8.4
iPad-Retina, 8.4
iPad-Air, 8.4
Resizable-iPhone, 8.4
Resizable-iPad, 8.4