Link resolving error while modifying ionic angular tabs seed app

I am trying to modify the ionic angular seed application to suit my purpose. I am using links <a> with button definition for navigation. But the link is not resolving to the required view. Webstorm IDE throws the below error:

Cannot resolve anchor #/tab/deals in file tab-dash.html

The link is written as below:

[ open a tag ] 
class="button button-outline button-calm" style="width: 48%;" href="#/tab/deals" >
[closing a tag]

and the relevant state routing code from App.js is as below.

.state('', {
  url: '/deals',
  views: {
    'tab-deals': {
      templateUrl: 'templates/tab-deals.html',
      controller: 'dealsCtrl'

It used to work when it was in the footer tab section. But not working when I moved it to main section under <ion-nav-view></ion-nav-view>

Not familiar with Webstorm however, you can use ui-sref directive in its place. Replace the path name with the name of the state you want to navigate to:

<a class="button button-outline button-calm" 
   style="width: 48%;"