doc generation for angular/ionic projects using gulp

I have an ionic project using gulp to run tasks such as build, lint etc. . .

Now i want to create proper documentation as well but face the problem that jsdoc doesn't play well with the angular-framework.

There is another tool called docular but this one is only available for grunt.

Has anyone a proper solution for creating documentation for angular projects?

(It musn't work directly with gulp, something to run from command line would be perfectly fine)

EDIT.: Stumbled up on dgeni which seems to be going into the right direction but isn't really at a point in development where its usable the time i wrote this.

This might be a bit late, but I was able to solve this by installing the angular-jsdoc NPM plugin ( I was having the same problem of wanting to document my Angular scripts inside the Ionic Framework that powers my mobile application. After installing, I had a gulp task setup for generating Angular documentation:

    gulp.task('angular-documentation', shell.task([
        'node node_modules/angular-jsdoc/node_modules/jsdoc/jsdoc.js' + 
        ' -c node_modules/angular-jsdoc/conf.json ' +
        ' -t node_modules/angular-jsdoc/template ' +
        ' -d dev-docs ' +
        ' -r www/app'

Each portion of the task is represented as follows:

  • The first string portion (after node) represents the path of the installed angular-jsdoc
  • The -c flag portion representing where the conf.json of the angular-jsdoc plugin resides
  • The -t flag portion representing where the template folder of angular-jsdoc plugin resides
  • The -d portion where the documentation is generated
  • The -r flag portion representing where your angular script files reside in.

If you setup Node.js and your Node plugins with default configuration, you should not worry about changing anything except the -d flag and -r flag portion.