I have a route that looks like this:
// do something when there is no splat
} else {
// do something with splat
however, this doesn't work - if I call path/foo/bar
it hits the route, but if I call path/foo
, it doesn't.
Is it possible to have an optional splat param, or do I have to use a regex to detect this?
to be clearer, here are the requirements I'm trying to achieve:
I just had the same problem and solved it. This is what I used:
app.get('path/:required/:optional?*, ...)
This should work for path/meow
, path/meow/voof
, path/meow/voof/moo/etc
It seems by dropping the /
between ?
and *
, the last /
becomes optional too while :optional?
remains optional.
This works for /path and /path/foo on express 4, note * before ?
router.get('/path/:id*?', function(req, res, next) {
res.render('page', { title: req.params.id });
Will this do what you're after?
// do something when there is no optionalParam
} else {
// do something with optionalParam
More on Express' routing here, if you haven't looked: http://expressjs.com/guide/routing.html
Here's the current way I'm solving this problem, it doesn't appear that express supports any number of splat params with an optional named param:
// Note: this is all hacked together because express does not appear to support optional splats.
var params = req.params[1] ? [req.params[1]] : [],
name = req.params[0];
// do something when there is no splat
} else {
// do something with splat
I'd love to have this use named params for readability and consistency - if another answer surfaces that allows this I'll accept it.
The above solutions using optional doesn't work in Express 4. And I tried couple of ways using search patterns, but not working either. And then I found this method and seems fired for unlimited nested path, http://expressjs.com/api.html#router
// this will only be invoked if the path starts with /bar from the mount point
router.use('/bar', function(req, res, next) {
// ... maybe some additional /bar logging ...
// to get the url after bar, you can try
var filepath = req.originalUrl.replace(req.baseUrl, "");
It's match all /bar, /bar/z, /bar/a/b/c etc. And after that, you can read req.originalUrl, since params are not filled, ex. you can try compare baseUrl and originalUrl to get the remaining path.