mongoe's findOne method nether executes nor fails

I'm trying to retrieve data from mongodb through nodejs mnogdb-native driver. mongodconsole indicates that connection succeed. Unfortunately, after retrieving collection and logging message 'before findOne' to the console nothing happened. It's looks like thefindOne method never returns.

var mongo = require('mongodb'),
    config = require('./config');

var UserProvider = function() {
    this.db = new mongo.Db('chatbox', 
        new mongo.Server(config.mongoServer, config.mongoPort, {auto_reconnect: true}), {}); {});

UserProvider.prototype.getCollection = function(callback) {
    this.db.collection('users', function(error, collection) {
    if (error) {
    else {
        callback(null, collection);

UserProvider.prototype.validateUser = function(username, password, callback) {
    this.getCollection(function(error, collection) {
        if (error) {
        else {
            console.log('before findOne');
            collection.findOne({login: username, password: password}, function(error, item){
                if (error) {
                else {
                    callback(null, item != null);

module.exports = UserProvider;

Can anybody point me to the probable problem point?

A poke in the dark really - but try adding a console.log into the callback for

If that line does not show up before 'before findOne' then most likely the issues is simply that the DB connection is not open.

Take a look at the code that would use your code:

var myProvider = require('yourcode').UserProvider;

myProvider.validateUser('me','pwd', function(error, success) {
  console.log("Success: " + success);

When I get to myProvider.validateUser, am I guaranteed that has returned? Normally, this whole thing is sequential. But in Node.JS, that is not blocking. So the call goes out to the DB and then the code keeps running, so you actually have a race condition here.