How to integrate project Expressjs with jQuery-File-Upload?

jQuery-File-Upload works well with Nodejs, but I found it difficult to integrate with Expressjs. Any suggestions? Thanks for your attention.


there also exist a middleware for express :

express has formidable baked in via Connect's multi-part middleware e.g. you can simply POST files to an particular route and then use req.files to handle anything that has been uploaded.

A very simple option for handling file uploads is via the jQuery Form Plugin, and if you're using Jade as your template engine, you simply need a form that has a file input and the plugin should take care of the rest.

Try using within your app, and make sure you don't have any async items (such as things that call a database) in your app.use() chain before formidable because they can cause you to loose data. Also be sure it's in an, not app.get() handler. has a rough but working example of using express with formidable.