I have a regular TCP socket connection between a Node.js application (using standard net.Socket), and some other application.
Suppose I send a 1MB buffer:
socket.write(new Buffer(1048576));
While this is done in a non-blocking manner, obviously the data is not transmitted instantaneously.
How can I measure the data rate that the underlying system is sending the internal stream buffer, from my Node.js application?
Ultimately I just need to know the average speed of data being sent to the client on the other end over the last several seconds. Is this possible?
try to use callback in write
var net = require('net');
var s = net.createConnection(8888);
s.on('connect', function() {
function test() {
var len = 512*1048576;
var start = +new Date();
var b = new Buffer(len);
s.write(b, function() {
console.log(len + ' bytes written, ' + (1000*len/(+new Date() - start)).toString() + ' bytes/sec');
with nc -l 8888 > /dev/null
on the other end I get around 350M bytes/sec