This question is likely based in my lack of previous experience with node.js, but I was hoping jasmine-node would just let me run my jasmine specs from the command line.
var helper_func = function() {
console.log("IN HELPER FUNC");
describe ('Example Test', function() {
it ('should use the helper function', function() {
Those are the only two files in the directory. Then, when I do:
jasmine-node .
I get
ReferenceError: helper_func is not defined
I'm sure the answer to this is easy, but I didn't find any super-simple intros, or anything obvious on github. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
In node, everything is namespaced to it's js file. To make the function callable by other files, change TestHelper.js to look like this:
var helper_func = function() {
console.log("IN HELPER FUNC");
// exports is the "magic" variable that other files can read
exports.helper_func = helper_func;
And then change your my_test.spec.js to look like this:
// include the helpers and get a reference to it's exports variable
var helpers = require('./TestHelpers');
describe ('Example Test', function() {
it ('should use the helper function', function() {
helpers.helper_func(); // note the change here too
and, lastly, I believe jasmine-node .
will run every file in the directory sequentially - but you don't need to run the helpers. Instead you could move them to a different directory (and change the ./
in the require()
to the correct path), or you could just run jasmine-node *.spec.js