How to convert 00B0 (degree sign) unicode character?

I have string 00B0 which is Unicode of degree sign how can I convert in to symbol?

var str = "00B0";
var degreeSign = convesion(str);

How it possible ?

Parse the string into a number to get the character code, then use the String.fromCharCode method to create a string from it:

var degreeSign = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(str, 16));

console.log('\u00B0');​​​​​​ // outputs ° in my chrome console

so basically: '\u00B0'

You can use Unicode characters in HTML by following this example


The degrees sign will appear like so: °

edit: Except this question is tagged as Node.js. What is the purpose of getting the symbol? Is it front-end or back-end?

If you're sure your string is well formed, you could also do it like this:

var degreeSign = eval("('\\u" + str + "')");