Always running process with IISNode

Does anyone know a way to have a JavaScript file or set of files always running under IISNode without the need for a client request? The idea would be to have scripts that behave as services, but have them running under IISNode.

Thanks! csh3

I guess you have some reason to use iisnode, but you are trying to run a service in iis which is not a good idea, if you want to run as service then run as service. how?

if you still insist to use iisnode then options are

use Application Initialization for IIS

Or write a scheduled job that pings your iisnode page

Or use pingdom like service to ping your iisnode application.

How about trying node-windows, it allows Node.js applications to run as a windows service. A nice feature is that it also exposes a way to write to the EventLog.

It probably fits your scenario better considering that you need any of the IIS features other than the long running aspect of it.

Hope this points you in more applicable direction.