Node.js expressjs sessions don't stick in Firefox

I'm using express with nodejs and sessions don't stick in Firefox. The work fine in Chrome however.

I have my maxAge to 14400000 which I've read could be an issue since my local machine is on GMT, but still it doesn't seem to stick.

This is what I have configured:

  app.use(express.session({ secret: 'mysecret', store: new RedisStore, cookie: { maxAge: 14400000 }}));

I'm setting it simply by doing:

req.session.user = 'something'

Any ideas what this could be?

Thank you!

Try using req.session. regenerate(callback) when you first establish the session. It would look something like this:

app.use(express.session({ secret: 'mysecret', store: new RedisStore, cookie: { maxAge: 14400000 }}));

var user = //Define your user

req.session.regenerate(function() {
   req.session.user = user;

Give it a try!