Question updated based on the answer. To see original question scroll down...
So, this is the JSON I end up with after the stuColl.find call:
Now I want to use the above to do another find to get all professor IDs. But All i get is a null result. I think I am very close. What am I doing wrong:
stuColl.find({_id : userId}, { 'current_course_id' : 1 , 'past_courses.course_id' : 1 , _id : 0 }).toArray(function(err, courseIdsArray)
db.collection('courses', function(err, courseColl)
courseColl.find({$or : [ {_id : 'courseIdsArray.current_courses_id' }, {_id : {$in : courseIdsArray.past_courses}} ]}, {'professor_ids' : 1}).toArray(function(err, professorIdsArray)
Any help is much appreciated!
I am writing an application using mongo(using mongo native driver), node.js and express.
I have Students, Courses and Professors documents in mongo.
I want to retrieve a list of all 'Professor' documents whose courses a student is currently taking or has taken in the past.
Students: {courseid, ....}
Course: {professors, ....}
Professors: {....}
This is what I intend on doing: 1. I first issue a query to retrieve all the course ids for a student. 2. Then I have to compose and issue another query to get the professor id for all those courses. 3. And then finally I have to get all the "professor" documents associated with the professor ids.
Step 1 is not a problem and now I have all the course ids. But I am not sure how to do step2. Step2 and 3 are similar, once I figure out step 2, step3 will be easy.
Basically I want to issue one query in step2 to retrieve all the professor ids. I dont want to issue 10 separate queries for 10 course ids.
here is what I have:
function getProfsByStudent(req, res, next)
db.collection('students', function(err, stuColl)
stuId = new ObjectID.createFromHexString(req.params.stuId);
stuColl.find({_id : userId}, { 'current_course_id' : 1 , 'past_courses.course_id' : 1 , _id : 0 })
db.collection('courses', function(err, courseColl)
courseColl.find({$or : []}) // THIS IS WHERE I AM STUCK
I think that instead of $or you should be using the $in operator
should be returning it's result toArray to be used in the $in operator-.
Hi there in a bit of rush :-) but please check if this is what you're looking for:
db.collection("Students").find({_id : "8397c60d-bd7c-4f94-a0f9-f9db2f14e8ea"}, {CurrentCourses:1, PastCourses : 1, _id : 0}).toArray(function(err, allCourses){
//error handling
var courses = allCourses[0].CurrentCourses.concat(allCourses[0].PastCourses);
db.collection("Courses").find({ _id : { $in: courses}}, {"Professors" : 1, _id : 0}).toArray(function(err, professors){
//error handling
var allProfs = [];
for(var i = 0; i < professors.length; i++){
allProfs = allProfs.concat(professors[i].Professors);
db.collection("Professors").find({ _id : { $in: allProfs }}).toArray(function(err, results){
it's goes trough the students collection and finds the student and then through all his/her courses to finally load all the teachers. Is that it?