How to configure node-mysql?

I've found a lot of tutorials explaining how to install "node-mysql" (basically: "npm install mysql" and that's it) and others explaining how to make queries but nothing in-between.

I mean: with no GUI, how do you configure node-mysql (Mysql login, Mysql password, first table,..) before using it?

OR: How to install a GUI to access node-mysql for edition (which would solve problem 1)?

I tried "Mysql Workbench" via its wizard but I get a "Cannot connect to Database Server" while the host and the port are ok. I searched the "MySQL Workbench" website but there's nothing about node-mysql.

Node-Mysql seems to be the first choice when it comes to use mysql with node.js but, surprisingly, there's absolutely nothing about my issues, anywhere.

Thank you for your help.

you don't need to configure node-mysql itself, you need to learn how to add users to mysql database.

if you already have existing user, node-mysql client is very straightforward to use:

var client = mysql.createClient({
  user: 'someusername',
  password: 'somepassword',