OS X editor (or IDE) that is really good for "node.js" development?

I'm an old Emacs user - I've used it for about 10years now. When I switched to Mac I started to use Aquamacs, which is great in many ways.

But now most my development work involves Node.js/Express.js (with JavaScript, Jade and Stylus). Unfortunately, emacs has many shortcomings in this regard. Especially when working remotely, with ExpanDrive and MacFUSE mounts.

And I really want real code folding.

Is there any editor which is really good for this? Even better is there any IDE for Mac (at all)?


Sublime Text 2 is the choice of many. Add some packages to it with the package manager. Jade, stylus packages available.

If you want a real IDE that works well on Mac OS X I would recommend IntelliJ IDEA. It has a JavaScript debugger and Node.js plugin. If you are looking for something more lightweight than a full-blown IDE, take a look at Sublime Text 2.

A cheaper and more node-specific alternative to IntelliJ IDEA is Webstorm, also made by Jetbrains.

It has a lot of node goodies like the ability to attach to the node debugger and allow you to step through your JS code. It also has good code folding, which you can invoke with ⌘^- to fold and ⌘^+ to expand.

You could try TextMate: http://macromates.com/ with the following bundles for

NodeJs: https://github.com/drnic/javascript-node.tmbundle

and for Jade: https://github.com/miksago/jade-tmbundle

For stylus you have to compile the bundle (haven't tried it yet): https://github.com/LearnBoost/stylus/blob/master/docs/textmate.md

There is also Cloud9 ide https://github.com/ajaxorg/cloud9, its actually a webapp, but its open source and can be installed locally (it still runs in the browser, but locally), I really like the debugging features

http://www.aptana.com/ is great, it has most of the eclipse features...