RequireJS in node failing for plugin-using dependencies (eg with use.js)

In order to share AMD modules between the browser and node, I'm using RequireJS in both places (see RequireJS in Node).


var requirejs = require('requirejs');
var dataDao = module.exports = {};

requirejs(['client/resource'], function (Resource) {


define(['underscore'], function (_) {

This has generally been working ok, as long as the shared module does not involve any dependencies that don't work on the server.

I would like to introduce use.js, however, to avoid manually wrapping non-AMD compatible libs like underscore. To do so, I have to prefix listed dependencies with use! (to trigger the use plugin in RequireJS).


define(['use!underscore'], function (_) {

This works well in the browser, but causes errors in Node:

Error: Calling node's require("use") failed with error: Error: Cannot find module 'use'

I believe this is not specific to the use plugin, but also text etc.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

With version 0.3 of use I was able to get it working in node. Per the comment on your question, it may be a configuration issue -- it took me a couple of tries to get the pathing right.