I am just getting started with couchdb in nodejs. I am looking for a tutorial or article that would help me get started or at least some lines of code. I don't want to use any module for db abstraction because that would defeat the purpose of learning . I am looking to make my own module that works with Couch and from my understanding this could easily be accomplished with the request module https://github.com/mikeal/request but I haven't found anything about this. Thanks!
I wrote a blog post about this, hope it's helpful to you:
Check out Nano: https://github.com/dscape/nano
It's exactly what you're trying to do.
Check out this module: https://github.com/cloudhead/cradle it's very helpful to getting started with couchdb on nodejs. Just take a look at the main readme on github
For getting started with working with CouchDB without a nice in-between like cradle
, I'd recommend CouchDB: The Definitive Guide. It helped me immensely when developing CouchQueue, a Node.js module for creating queues out of CouchDB databases.
Nano is the simplest way to interact with CouchDB. http://www.tutorialindustry.com/node-js-couchdb-tutorial-for-beginners
You can also go for Cradle(A high-level, caching, CouchDB client for Node.js)-https://github.com/cloudhead/cradle