How can I add a bunch js files but include only one of them for client code? E.g. I need to use hammer.js and want add it as submodule. I can not simply add it in client/code/app cuz SS
will try to load all contents of repo (including
You can modify the code
portion of your ss.client.define
so that Socketstream will only load the files you specify (rather than every single file that resides in the client/code/app folder - which is the default behaviour).
E.g change this:
ss.client.define('main', {
view: 'app.jade',
css: ['libs', 'app.styl'],
code: ['app'], // This is loading every file within the client/code/app/ folder
tmpl: '*'
to this:
ss.client.define('main', {
view: 'app.jade',
css: ['libs', 'app.styl'],
code: ['app/file1.js', 'app/file2.js', 'app/file4.js'], // SS will only load these files.
tmpl: '*'