I want to add timestamp to logs, what is the best way to achieve it?
I was dealing with the same issue myself. There are two ways I was able to do this.
When you include Winston, it usually defaults to adding a Console transport. In order to get timestamps to work in this default case, I needed to either:
The first:
var winston = require('winston');
winston.add(winston.transports.Console, {'timestamp':true});
The second, and cleaner option:
var winston = require('winston');
var logger = new (winston.Logger)({
transports: [
new (winston.transports.Console)({'timestamp':true})
Some of the other options for Console transport can be found here:
You can use built-in util and forever to achieve logging with timestap for your nodejs server. When you start a server add log output as part of the parameter:
forever start -ao log/out.log server.js
And then you can write util in your server.js
var util = require('util');
util.log("something with timestamp");
The output will look something like this to out.log file:
15 Mar 15:09:28 - something with timestamp
Although I'm not aware of winston, this is a suggestion. I use log4js for logging & my logs by default look like this
[2012-04-23 16:36:02.965] [INFO] Development - Node Application is running on port 8090
[2012-04-23 16:36:02.966] [FATAL] Development - Connection Terminated to '' '6379'
Development is the environment of my node process & [INFO|FATAL] is log level
Maintaining different profiles for logging is possible in log4js. I have Development & Production profiles. Also there are logger types like rolling file appender, console appender, etc. As a addon your log files will be colorful based on the log level [Trace, Info, Debug, Error, Fatal] ;)
log4js will override your console.log It is a configurable parameter now in 0.5+