I'm developing a Node.js application using PostgreSQL and hosting on Heroku. My problem is that I get an authentication error like so:
14:32:05 web.1 | { [error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "username", database "database_name", SSL off]
14:32:05 web.1 | length: 168,
14:32:05 web.1 | name: 'error',
14:32:05 web.1 | severity: 'FATAL',
14:32:05 web.1 | code: '28000',
14:32:05 web.1 | detail: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1 | hint: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1 | position: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1 | internalPosition: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1 | internalQuery: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1 | where: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1 | file: 'auth.c',
14:32:05 web.1 | line: '483',
14:32:05 web.1 | routine: 'ClientAuthentication' }
It might be an SSL problem, but it shouldn't be as mentioned here. SSL should be supported out of the box. So I'm stumped and can only ask what might cause this error?
I'm not sure if I have to maybe edit the pg_hba.conf on my system, but I can't even find it.
node-postgres doesn't support SSL in it's javascript bindings, which you're using if you do:
var pg = require('pg');
To get SSL, you need to use the native binding by doing this:
var pg = require('pg').native;
You don't need to use SSL when your app is running inside Heroku, you only need to use SSL to connect remotely (when your app is running locally).
I added these params and can now connect to my heroku postgres instance from an outside server, specifically, in configuration of knex.js in a node express server:
var knex = require('knex')({
client: 'postgres',
connection: 'postgres://username:password@host:5432/yourdbname?ssl=true&sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory'
Ran into this myself, it's a simple fix. Just connect over HTTPS instead
Ran into same issue. Just Enabled ssl=true in the db params.
var pg = require('pg');
var params = { host: 'heroku_hostname',user: 'username',password: 'password',database: 'database',ssl: true };
var client = new pg.Client(params);
Solved it by setting PGSSLMODE
(http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/libpq-envars.html) on Heroku. It tells PostgreSQL to default to SSL.
$ heroku config:set PGSSLMODE=require
is located in the PostgreSQL data directory, along with postgresql.conf
In order to find it you could check the list of process for postgres
-related ones, typically the master process has data directory passed via -D
switch. Locate the directory, check the contents of the pg_hba.conf
file. This will help in fixing your issue.
If you will not be able to extract anything from the list of running processes, it'd be difficult to assist you on how's your database set up.