Passing objects into callback function from C++ code

I'm writing Agueas [1] addon for Node.js

For now I have synchronous code, C++ class looks like this:

class LibAugeas : public node::ObjectWrap {
    static void Init(Handle<Object> target);

    augeas * m_aug;

    static Handle<Value> New(const Arguments& args);

    static Handle<Value> get        (const Arguments& args);
    static Handle<Value> set        (const Arguments& args);
    static Handle<Value> setm       (const Arguments& args);
    // other methods

Usage of this class in JS:

var lib = require('...');
var aug = new lib.Augeas(...);
// etc

I'm going to impelement asynchronous code.

The bottleneck is creating augeas object (aug_init) while all or some lenses and files are being loaded and parsed. So the idea is creating augeas object asynchronously, and then pass created JS object in a callback function:

  1. Pure C thread: call aug_init(), aug_load() to get augeas handle.
  2. When ready, use augeas handle to creat JS object (see the first snippet)
  3. Pass created JS object to callback function.

Usage might be as such:

lib.heracles(function(aug) {
        if (!aug.error()) {

            // async save:
  , msg) {
        } else {
            console.log('Sad, but true :-(');

And finally, my problem: I do not know how to create JS object in C++ :-)

Constructor static Handle<Value> New(const Arguments& args); returns args.This(), but when I'm in C++ code I do not have args and also can't wrap object.

So, how do I create JS object in C++? Please, don't break my heart saying it is not possible :-)


Ok, thanks to everyone :-) I've found the right way. Here is a static method which creates an JS object wrapping given augeas handle. Then I can pass this object to callback function from C++ code.

Local<Object> LibAugeas::New(augeas *aug)
    LibAugeas *obj = new LibAugeas();
    obj->m_aug = aug;

    Handle<ObjectTemplate> tpl = ObjectTemplate::New();
    tpl->SetInternalFieldCount(1); // one field for LibAugeas* pointer (via obj->Wrap())

#define _OBJ_NEW_METHOD(m) NODE_SET_METHOD(tpl, #m, m)

    Local<Object> O = tpl->NewInstance();
    return O;