Node.js -- Robust HTML parsing + access to javascript functions in HTML

I'm new to node, and looking to extract javascript info from the following example page:


            This is a contrived example          
        <script type="text/javascript">
    var filenames = new Array()
    filenames[filenames.length] = "";
    filenames[filenames.length] = "";
    filenames[filenames.length] = "";
    filenames[filenames.length] = "";
    filenames[filenames.length] = "";

      function pixplosion_Content()
        var eElement = document.getElementById('idLoading');
        if( eElement ) = 'none';

        return "<pixplosion test=\"test\" flashGasket=\"\" ytBridge=\"/images/image.php?pixplosion=ytbridge\"><tab test=\"test\" label=\"Photos (%1)\" icon=\"Image\" autoIterate=\"false\"   ><tab test=\"test\" label=\"Vehicle Photos (%1)\" icon=\"\" autoIterate=\"true\" startFocused=\"true\"  >



Jsdom chokes on this HTML using its default parser, so I've used aredridel/html5 parser from github. It seems to work for reading in HTML, through jQuery, but I don't have access to function definitions like I did with jsdom and its default parser.

For example, the following:


With the default parser gives me an array.

With the HTML5 parser, it gives me:


Here is my code:

var jsdom = require("jsdom"),
    fs = require('fs'),
    HTML5 = require('html5');

fs.readFile('contrived.html', 'utf-8', function(err, data) {
  if (err) {
    throw err;
  var document = jsdom.jsdom(data, null, {parser: HTML5});

  // HTML data should be in document creation call
  var script = document.createElement("script");
  // HTML data SHOULD NOT be in window creation call
  var window = document.createWindow();
  var parser = new HTML5.Parser({document: window.document});

  script.src = '';
  script.onload = function(window) {
                      console.log('this is a test');

Am I missing something, or is this functionality just not available?

Many thanks.