Passing array from external js.file to route

I'm working on an application built on Node.js with Express which shows images from a database.

Right now i'm working on the functionality of creating albums from the images that's displayed, which is done by clicking on images. The images id's and names are then pushed into an array in an external js-file. When the user is done with adding images to the album, he clicks on a button (inside a form), which theb gets handled by a route.

The question is how can I access the array inside external js-file in the route? Is it even possible?

Thanks in advance!


I've tried to implement @andy s solution, but I get a 404 in the console. I guess I'm doing something wrong here?

external.js (included in the header of the html file):

$('#saveAlbum').click(function (){          
    $.post('http://localhost:3000/createAlbum', { arr: ['val1', 'val2'] })

albumController.js:'/createAlbum', function(req, res) {

if you need to pass data from client side to Express, you could send it with jquery's $.post() to a special route:

var express = require('express');
var app = express.createServer();

});'/for_receive_array', function(req, res) {
  //req.body - body passes your array


Sorry if I did not understand your purpose. It is better to see your code.