Passing GET data to a POST request

I'm using node.js with Express. I have a page /blah?name=john which produces a page with a form. When you click the form submit button it passes the form data to a POST request. However I want part of the post request to be whatever the ?name=john data was from the GET request that produced the page. How can I forward the name variable along with the submitted form data to a POST request?

Dynamically add the query string to some hidden input. So that your form will look like:

<form action="/submit" method="post">
    <input type="text" placeholder="Some text here">
    <!-- Hidden input -->
    <input type="hidden" name="name" value="john">
    <input type="submit" value="submit">

You should generate on the server this hidden input depending on the GET parameters :)

During the GET request, set the ACTION on your form to "MyPostPage.htm" + query_string. When the form is posted via the submit button, it will use the form's ACTION attribute which has the added query string information from the initial GET request.

    <FORM ACTION="'fred'&age=27" METHOD="POST">
        Enter your name: <INPUT NAME="FName"><BR>
        Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:
        <SELECT NAME="Flavor">
            <OPTION VALUE="Chocolate">Chocolate
            <OPTION VALUE="Strawberry">Strawberry
            <OPTION VALUE="Vanilla" SELECTED>Vanilla