I am using https://github.com/aheckmann/gm to resize an image.
var fs = require('fs');
var gm = require('gm');
var input = __dirname + '/input.jpg';
var output = __dirname + '/output.jpg';
.stream( function(err, stdout, stderr) {
var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream( output, { encoding: 'base64' } );
var i = '';
stdout.on( 'data', function(data){
i += data.toString('base64');
stdout.on('end', function(){
writeStream.write( new Buffer(i, 'base64') );
} );
The problem is that it's not writing the whole image.
I've solved it by using the https://github.com/coolaj86/node-bufferjs concat method.
var fs = require('fs');
var gm = require('gm');
var input = __dirname + '/input.jpg';
var output = __dirname + '/output.jpg';
.stream( function(err, stdout, stderr) {
ws = fs.createWriteStream( output );
i = [];
stdout.on( 'data', function(data){
i.push( data );
stdout.on( 'close', function(){
console.log( 'close' );
var image = Buffer.concat( i );
ws.write( image.toString('base64'), 'base64' );
} );
Apparently you need to keep track of the length/index of your buffers when you concat them. You can find more info by looking at the source code of bufferjs' concat method: https://github.com/coolaj86/node-bufferjs/blob/master/bufferjs/concat.js
Why don't you just write directly to the output stream when you get data?
var fs = require('fs');
var gm = require('gm');
var input = __dirname + '/input.jpg';
var output = __dirname + '/output.jpg';
gm(input).resize(350).stream(function(err, stdout, stderr) {
var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(output, {
encoding: 'base64'
I found imagemagick very useful and simple. I also tried graphicmagic but no luck.
you can install image magick by follwing command. npm install imagemagick
Following is the example code and documentation for imagemagick is at ( https://github.com/rsms/node-imagemagick):
var im = require('imagemagick');
srcPath: 'kittens.jpg',
dstPath: 'kittens-small.jpg',
width: 50,
height: 50
}, function(err, stdout, stderr){
if (err) throw err;
console.log('resized kittens.jpg to fit within 256x256px');